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  • Rakshak Code is a specially designed QR code for vehicles that facilitates seamless communication between vehicle owners and concerned individuals. It allows individuals to contact the owner of a vehicle without exposing personal phone numbers.

  • Each Rakshak Code contains encrypted contact information linked to the vehicle owner. When someone needs to contact the owner, they simply scan the QR code using their mobile phone. This instantly connects them to the owner without revealing any personal phone numbers.

  • Rakshak QR Code on your vehicle helps people to connect with the user whenever required. The user parks their vehicle at any spot which might be a reason or issue for someone. With the help of the Rakshak QR Code, the person can easily contact them so that they can take necessary action. This process of communication allows the user to make decisions on time, maintain privacy, and doesn’t damage the vehicle, thus saving money and time.

  • Yes, Rakshak Code is compatible with all smartphones equipped with a QR code scanner. There's no need for additional apps or complex procedures.

  • You can easily obtain a Rakshak Code by purchasing it from our website or authorized retailers. Once you receive your Rakshak Code, simply affix it to your vehicle in a visible location.

  • Absolutely. Rakshak Code employs robust encryption protocols to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal information. Your contact details are encrypted and only accessible to authorized parties through the QR code scan.

  • If you sell your vehicle or need to update your contact information, you can easily do so through our user-friendly app. Simply log in to your account, make the necessary changes, and your Rakshak Code will be updated accordingly.

  • Yes, Rakshak Code is designed to withstand various weather conditions and is built to be durable. It will maintain its functionality and visibility even in challenging environments.

  • Rakshak Code enables swift and efficient communication between vehicle owners and concerned individuals. If someone parks in front of your driveway or in a restricted area, you can scan the QR code on their vehicle and contact them directly to resolve the issue peacefully.